English Debate

Hello guys! So today i wanna show you our debate, scroll down if you want to see our video !

- Students Under 17 Years Old Must'nt Ride Motorcycles -

PROS 1 : " I agree that the under age of 17 years is not allowed to ride a motorcycle because of the mental not ready so that concentration is easily distracted ".

CONS 1 : " I appreciate your opinion but for me, as long as the person is educated and mastered on the correct driving technique and has the ideal posture for driving, the minimum age limit is not the problem, thus I do not agree with the minimum driving limit of 17 years ".

PROS 2 : " I don't agree with the statement or opinion that Arya conveyed.  Because by law, drivers of vehicles who are underage or don't have a driving license are certainly prohibited from driving a vehicle.  Even though the underage rider has good posture and technique in driving. Therefore, drivers of motorized vehicles who do not have a driver's license will receive sanctions in the form of criminal threats or fines ".

CONS 2 : " I know that the rules exist however we are here to debate on this strange rule so I think your statement is not valid. I agree with Arya’s statement as body size and driving techniques are more important than age. If we do legalize someone to drive when he’s 17 of age but his body size and driving skill arent not on par, it will be more dangerous than someone who is younger who drives with a good posture and technique even though he is not yet 17 years old ".

Member :

- Andi Naufal AL Fayyadh (02) | CONS 2

- Arya Primawiradhika (03) | CONS 1

- Shafina Maharani (33) | PROS 1

- Zahra Kartika Salma (36) | PROS 2

Link : 


See u in the next blog, Thank you!


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